2024-12-06 18:21:39 +01:00

466 lines
16 KiB
Executable file

from app.models.config import Config
from app.models.endpoint import Endpoint
from app.utils.misc import list_to_dict
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString
import copy
from flask import current_app
import html
import os
import urllib.parse as urlparse
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
import re
import warnings
SKIP_ARGS = ['ref_src', 'utm']
SKIP_PREFIX = ['//www.', '//mobile.', '//m.']
GOOG_STATIC = 'www.gstatic.com'
G_M_LOGO_URL = 'https://www.gstatic.com/m/images/icons/googleg.gif'
GOOG_IMG = '/images/branding/searchlogo/1x/googlelogo'
LOGO_URL = GOOG_IMG + '_desk'
BLANK_B64 = ('data:image/png;base64,'
# Ad keywords
'ad', 'ads', 'anuncio', 'annuncio', 'annonce', 'Anzeige', '广告', '廣告',
'Reklama', 'Реклама', 'Anunț', '광고', 'annons', 'Annonse', 'Iklan',
'広告', 'Augl.', 'Mainos', 'Advertentie', 'إعلان', 'Գովազդ', 'विज्ञापन',
'Reklam', 'آگهی', 'Reklāma', 'Reklaam', 'Διαφήμιση', 'מודעה', 'Hirdetés', 'Szponzorált',
'Anúncio', 'Quảng cáo','โฆษณา', 'sponsored', 'patrocinado', 'gesponsert', 'Sponzorováno', '스폰서', 'Gesponsord'
'twitter.com': os.getenv('WHOOGLE_ALT_TW', 'farside.link/nitter'),
'youtube.com': os.getenv('WHOOGLE_ALT_YT', 'farside.link/invidious'),
'reddit.com': os.getenv('WHOOGLE_ALT_RD', 'farside.link/libreddit'),
], os.getenv('WHOOGLE_ALT_MD', 'farside.link/scribe')),
'imgur.com': os.getenv('WHOOGLE_ALT_IMG', 'farside.link/rimgo'),
'wikipedia.org': os.getenv('WHOOGLE_ALT_WIKI', 'farside.link/wikiless'),
'imdb.com': os.getenv('WHOOGLE_ALT_IMDB', 'farside.link/libremdb'),
'quora.com': os.getenv('WHOOGLE_ALT_QUORA', 'farside.link/quetre'),
'stackoverflow.com': os.getenv('WHOOGLE_ALT_SO', 'farside.link/anonymousoverflow')
# Include custom site redirects from WHOOGLE_REDIRECTS
SITE_ALTS.update(list_to_dict(re.split(',|:', os.getenv('WHOOGLE_REDIRECTS', ''))))
def contains_cjko(s: str) -> bool:
"""This function check whether or not a string contains Chinese, Japanese,
or Korean characters. It employs regex and uses the u escape sequence to
match any character in a set of Unicode ranges.
s (str): string to be checked
bool: True if the input s contains the characters and False otherwise
unicode_ranges = ('\u4e00-\u9fff' # Chinese characters
'\u3040-\u309f' # Japanese hiragana
'\u30a0-\u30ff' # Japanese katakana
'\u4e00-\u9faf' # Japanese kanji
'\uac00-\ud7af' # Korean hangul syllables
'\u1100-\u11ff' # Korean hangul jamo
return bool(re.search(fr'[{unicode_ranges}]', s))
def bold_search_terms(response: str, query: str) -> BeautifulSoup:
"""Wraps all search terms in bold tags (<b>). If any terms are wrapped
in quotes, only that exact phrase will be made bold.
response: The initial response body for the query
query: The original search query
BeautifulSoup: modified soup object with bold items
response = BeautifulSoup(response, 'html.parser')
def replace_any_case(element: NavigableString, target_word: str) -> None:
# Replace all instances of the word, but maintaining the same case in
# the replacement
if len(element) == len(target_word):
# Ensure target word is escaped for regex
target_word = re.escape(target_word)
# Check if the word contains Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters
if contains_cjko(target_word):
reg_pattern = fr'((?![{{}}<>-]){target_word}(?![{{}}<>-]))'
reg_pattern = fr'\b((?![{{}}<>-]){target_word}(?![{{}}<>-]))\b'
if re.match(r'.*[@_!#$%^&*()<>?/\|}{~:].*', target_word) or (
element.parent and element.parent.name == 'style'):
flags=re.I), 'html.parser')
# Split all words out of query, grouping the ones wrapped in quotes
for word in re.split(r'\s+(?=[^"]*(?:"[^"]*"[^"]*)*$)', query):
word = re.sub(r'[@_!#$%^&*()<>?/\|}{~:]+', '', word)
target = response.find_all(
text=re.compile(r'' + re.escape(word), re.I))
for nav_str in target:
replace_any_case(nav_str, word)
return response
def has_ad_content(element: str) -> bool:
"""Inspects an HTML element for ad related content
element: The HTML element to inspect
bool: True/False for the element containing an ad
element_str = ''.join(filter(str.isalpha, element))
return (element_str.upper() in (value.upper() for value in BLACKLIST)
or '' in element)
def get_first_link(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> str:
"""Retrieves the first result link from the query response
soup: The BeautifulSoup response body
str: A str link to the first result
first_link = ''
orig_details = []
# Temporarily remove details so we don't grab those links
for details in soup.find_all('details'):
temp_details = soup.new_tag('removed_details')
# Replace hrefs with only the intended destination (no "utm" type tags)
for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
# Return the first search result URL
if a['href'].startswith('http://') or a['href'].startswith('https://'):
first_link = a['href']
# Add the details back
for orig_detail, details in zip(orig_details, soup.find_all('removed_details')):
return first_link
def get_site_alt(link: str, site_alts: dict = SITE_ALTS) -> str:
"""Returns an alternative to a particular site, if one is configured
link: A string result URL to check against the site_alts map
site_alts: A map of site alternatives to replace with. defaults to SITE_ALTS
str: An updated (or ignored) result link
# Need to replace full hostname with alternative to encapsulate
# subdomains as well
parsed_link = urlparse.urlparse(link)
# Extract subdomain separately from the domain+tld. The subdomain
# is used for wikiless translations.
split_host = parsed_link.netloc.split('.')
subdomain = split_host[0] if len(split_host) > 2 else ''
hostname = '.'.join(split_host[-2:])
# The full scheme + hostname is used when comparing against the list of
# available alternative services, due to how Medium links are constructed.
# (i.e. for medium.com: "https://something.medium.com" should match,
# "https://medium.com/..." should match, but "philomedium.com" should not)
hostcomp = f'{parsed_link.scheme}://{hostname}'
for site_key in site_alts.keys():
site_alt = f'{parsed_link.scheme}://{site_key}'
if not hostname or site_alt not in hostcomp or not site_alts[site_key]:
# Wikipedia -> Wikiless replacements require the subdomain (if it's
# a 2-char language code) to be passed as a URL param to Wikiless
# in order to preserve the language setting.
params = ''
if 'wikipedia' in hostname and len(subdomain) == 2:
hostname = f'{subdomain}.{hostname}'
params = f'?lang={subdomain}'
elif 'medium' in hostname and len(subdomain) > 0:
hostname = f'{subdomain}.{hostname}'
parsed_alt = urlparse.urlparse(site_alts[site_key])
link = link.replace(hostname, site_alts[site_key]) + params
# If a scheme is specified in the alternative, this results in a
# replaced link that looks like "https://http://altservice.tld".
# In this case, we can remove the original scheme from the result
# and use the one specified for the alt.
if parsed_alt.scheme:
link = '//'.join(link.split('//')[1:])
for prefix in SKIP_PREFIX:
if parsed_alt.scheme:
# If a scheme is specified, remove everything before the
# first occurence of it
link = f'{parsed_alt.scheme}{link.split(parsed_alt.scheme, 1)[-1]}'
# Otherwise, replace the first occurrence of the prefix
link = link.replace(prefix, '//', 1)
return link
def filter_link_args(link: str) -> str:
"""Filters out unnecessary URL args from a result link
link: The string result link to check for extraneous URL params
str: An updated (or ignored) result link
parsed_link = urlparse.urlparse(link)
link_args = parse_qs(parsed_link.query)
safe_args = {}
if len(link_args) == 0 and len(parsed_link) > 0:
return link
for arg in link_args.keys():
if arg in SKIP_ARGS:
safe_args[arg] = link_args[arg]
# Remove original link query and replace with filtered args
link = link.replace(parsed_link.query, '')
if len(safe_args) > 0:
link = link + urlparse.urlencode(safe_args, doseq=True)
link = link.replace('?', '')
return link
def append_nojs(result: BeautifulSoup) -> None:
"""Appends a no-Javascript alternative for a search result
result: The search result to append a no-JS link to
nojs_link = BeautifulSoup(features='html.parser').new_tag('a')
nojs_link['href'] = f'{Endpoint.window}?nojs=1&location=' + result['href']
nojs_link.string = ' NoJS Link'
def append_anon_view(result: BeautifulSoup, config: Config) -> None:
"""Appends an 'anonymous view' for a search result, where all site
contents are viewed through Whoogle as a proxy.
result: The search result to append an anon view link to
nojs: Remove Javascript from Anonymous View
av_link = BeautifulSoup(features='html.parser').new_tag('a')
nojs = 'nojs=1' if config.nojs else 'nojs=0'
location = f'location={result["href"]}'
av_link['href'] = f'{Endpoint.window}?{nojs}&{location}'
translation = current_app.config['TRANSLATIONS'][
av_link.string = f'{translation["anon-view"]}'
av_link['class'] = 'anon-view'
def check_currency(response: str) -> dict:
"""Check whether the results have currency conversion
response: Search query Result
dict: Consists of currency names and values
soup = BeautifulSoup(response, 'html.parser')
currency_link = soup.find('a', {'href': 'https://g.co/gfd'})
if currency_link:
while 'class' not in currency_link.attrs or \
'ZINbbc' not in currency_link.attrs['class']:
if currency_link.parent:
currency_link = currency_link.parent
return {}
currency_link = currency_link.find_all(class_='BNeawe')
currency1 = currency_link[0].text
currency2 = currency_link[1].text
currency1 = currency1.rstrip('=').split(' ', 1)
currency2 = currency2.split(' ', 1)
# Handle differences in currency formatting
# i.e. "5.000" vs "5,000"
if currency2[0][-3] == ',':
currency1[0] = currency1[0].replace('.', '')
currency1[0] = currency1[0].replace(',', '.')
currency2[0] = currency2[0].replace('.', '')
currency2[0] = currency2[0].replace(',', '.')
currency1[0] = currency1[0].replace(',', '')
currency2[0] = currency2[0].replace(',', '')
currency1_value = float(re.sub(r'[^\d\.]', '', currency1[0]))
currency1_label = currency1[1]
currency2_value = float(re.sub(r'[^\d\.]', '', currency2[0]))
currency2_label = currency2[1]
return {'currencyValue1': currency1_value,
'currencyLabel1': currency1_label,
'currencyValue2': currency2_value,
'currencyLabel2': currency2_label
return {}
def add_currency_card(soup: BeautifulSoup,
conversion_details: dict) -> BeautifulSoup:
"""Adds the currency conversion boxes
to response of the search query
soup: Parsed search result
conversion_details: Dictionary of currency
related information
# Element before which the code will be changed
# (This is the 'disclaimer' link)
element1 = soup.find('a', {'href': 'https://g.co/gfd'})
while 'class' not in element1.attrs or \
'nXE3Ob' not in element1.attrs['class']:
element1 = element1.parent
# Creating the conversion factor
conversion_factor = (conversion_details['currencyValue1'] /
# Creating a new div for the input boxes
conversion_box = soup.new_tag('div')
conversion_box['class'] = 'conversion_box'
# Currency to be converted from
input_box1 = soup.new_tag('input')
input_box1['id'] = 'cb1'
input_box1['type'] = 'number'
input_box1['class'] = 'cb'
input_box1['value'] = conversion_details['currencyValue1']
input_box1['oninput'] = f'convert(1, 2, {1 / conversion_factor})'
label_box1 = soup.new_tag('label')
label_box1['for'] = 'cb1'
label_box1['class'] = 'cb_label'
br = soup.new_tag('br')
# Currency to be converted to
input_box2 = soup.new_tag('input')
input_box2['id'] = 'cb2'
input_box2['type'] = 'number'
input_box2['class'] = 'cb'
input_box2['value'] = conversion_details['currencyValue2']
input_box2['oninput'] = f'convert(2, 1, {conversion_factor})'
label_box2 = soup.new_tag('label')
label_box2['for'] = 'cb2'
label_box2['class'] = 'cb_label'
return soup
def get_tabs_content(tabs: dict,
full_query: str,
search_type: str,
preferences: str,
translation: dict) -> dict:
"""Takes the default tabs content and updates it according to the query.
tabs: The default content for the tabs
full_query: The original search query
search_type: The current search_type
translation: The translation to get the names of the tabs
dict: contains the name, the href and if the tab is selected or not
map_query = full_query
if '-site:' in full_query:
block_idx = full_query.index('-site:')
map_query = map_query[:block_idx]
tabs = copy.deepcopy(tabs)
for tab_id, tab_content in tabs.items():
# update name to desired language
if tab_id in translation:
tab_content['name'] = translation[tab_id]
# update href with query
query = full_query.replace(f'&tbm={search_type}', '')
if tab_content['tbm'] is not None:
query = f"{query}&tbm={tab_content['tbm']}"
if preferences:
query = f"{query}&preferences={preferences}"
tab_content['href'] = tab_content['href'].format(
# update if selected tab (default all tab is selected)
if tab_content['tbm'] == search_type:
tabs['all']['selected'] = False
tab_content['selected'] = True
return tabs